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Your Pet's Anxiety Solution

The World's Most Famous Calming Pet Bed

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Your Pet's Anxiety Solution

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Proven to Calm Your Pet

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Both my dogs love this bed. I got it for my big dog (80 pounder) but my little one (20 pounder) keeps sneaking in it and curling up, despite the fact that she has her own perfectly good bed! I bought this particular bed because the cover is removable for washing, which is super important, especially in a large bed.

Lucas E.


Love it! My dog isn’t the biggest fan of the bed she had(also cost about $100 but it was a orthopedic foam one), so I figured it was time to try a new one. SO glad I bought this one! I got it today and she was trying to stand on it before I even got it all the way out of the bag! As soon as it was out she laid in it! Can’t wait for it to finish fluffing up because she really likes it! I have a 75lb German shepherd/ Australian shepherd mix, and a large would of been big enough but wanted to be safe cause she’s sprawls out when she sleeps lol

Patrick F.


A friend recommended this bed to help calm and anxious dog. I have 2 medium sized dogs and decided to get an XL knowing that they would share. They immediately went on it, rolling around and cuddling into the edges. It is so soft and comfy, they both love to nap in it. My only complaint is that one of my dogs already opened the zipper and attempted to chew the insides of the bed...not the most durable for chewers.

Lawrence F.